Sunday, January 30, 2011

.Black & White.



"there is no hope for a civilization that starts each day by the sound of the alarm clock"
this is me waking up at 8am and having a nice breakfest with my giraffe-cup-of-tee and the ELLEDecoration magazine. But before that... not the alarm clock wakes me up but the blinding-warming-sun coming trough my window and smashing my face with its long orange hands. It's actually -13 degrees @Cluj but still... the snow is a habit of mine when i go outside. Just trow it in the air and enjoy the tiny crystals on my face. After this refreshing photoshoot I went with my mom and a friend of ours in the park for a walk. Coldy but i loved it.






Saturday, January 29, 2011

I deserve this dress! Summer let it come.


Se pare ca am si eu noroc din cand in cand. Rochia asta (stanga) am vazut.o imediat dupa ce intors acasa. It was a hot day in the summer vacation. This dress was made for me. Just the price didn't let me buy it. It's not that I couldn't afford it but my heart wouldn't let me buy it. So that i've waited. I know. It's frozen cold outside, the snow might soon eat me and the bunnies might leave big foot prints in my garden but i found it! It was the last piece hanging in the first row and the price... oh yeah the price. More than 80% under the "normal, actual" price. Summer means for me barfoot walking with my sandals in my hand and getting tanned. Who needs shoes when you've got such an amazing summer-breezing-dress. And what funny is. I seen this picture yesterday while i was doing some research for my next Here it is. And it has a quite strong reason isn't it?

Happy over the clouds!

p.s. you have to REALLY want a piece to get it. think of it as like you already wear it. After you can say: I deserve this cloth. ;-)
xx Stefii

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter is NOT a fashion-wall.

Winter time. Probably people think that in the winter time, the outfits should look boring, black and white, no dresses (because it's too cold), no high-heels (because it's too much ice and snow on the streets) and no accesories (well...because of the gloves and all). Is it that true? If you seek for an answer, here you go (:

ThreadSence Winter 2010 Look Book

P.S. this video makes me wanna run outside in the 1 m snow and takes some snaps. Too bad it's getting so soon dark. Tomorrow is another day...
Be prepared!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pretty little crystals. Memories





I found it quite distrubing but this SportLaBall (2009) was a black edition. It may sound crazy but I actually did wear high-heels. I found this Ball a blast, therefore we don't have this stuff around here that often. Sadly this was the last Ball in Germany too. I have so many good memories and every time I look in my box full of good pictures I just wand to share them. Priceless moments xx

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's Time. -Happy New Year-

Tocmai ce am terminat cu primul meu examen de limba (germana ca sa fie cat mai specificat). Mi.a deschis ochii, am realizat ca insemn ceva si ca pot. Pot sa imi implinesc visurile si nu doar sa astept sa se implineasca dupa noroc sau dupa oarecare destin la care sunt testata. Este un an nou, asa este si frizura mea, asa sunt si eu asa este si stilul meu de inbracaminte. petrecut revelionul in Germania si trust me pe people, it has been a blast! Nu numai ca revazut unii dintre cei mai dragi si apropiati prieteni dar... (si asta nu vine doar din partea mea) asa a fost ca si cum nu as fi fost plecata niciodata. Da stiu ca suna aiurea si multora nu le vine sa creada. Ma bucur si sunt mandra sa spun ca nu numai din partea mea vin aceste cuvinte. Toti au avut acelasi sentiment: ca si cum nu as fi fost plecat de acolo. O gluma de a noastra inainte sa ma intorc acasa: Stefii, nu pot plange acuma pentru ca stiu ca te intorci. E ca si cum mergi in vacanta in Romania iar din vara te vom avea inapoi. -aka Svenni (:

Yes, I missed them. More than you can think. I have no fear and I will not make me other worries about my friends from Germany. My place there is satteld and soon I'll be back with them being what I've learned to. Creative, opened, funny, sense of humor i tought i've lost it and me.

I hope you guys did not think I gave up on writing. Oh no, i'm back and i promise it will be a blast for you all! Let's begin with a favorite movie of Alena and myself. Enjoy! =)